Written by: Daniel Bova, Gabriel Friedman, Lloyd Kaufman
Cast: Jason Yachanin, Kate Graham, Allison Sereboff
Runtime: 103 minutes
Rating: Unrated
Hey guys and ghouls, guess who is back! Oh, and not only back, but ready to do a review that may very well surprise the fuck out of you. A TROMA FILM REVIEW. Yeah...you read that right. Here is what you may not know about your good ol' DawL though...I fucking love Poultrygeist!
See?! I don't care who are, what kind of crazy shit you are into, this film will make you laugh your ass off. It is just insanely awesome, and by far my favorite Troma film.
Okay, little rundown of the film for those that haven't seen it. The film focuses on Arbie, a young man trying to win back the heart of his ex girlfriend Wendy, who has left him for another woman... are you seeing a pattern here? Arbie, Wendy, and of course the chicken joint featured in the film, American Chicken Bunker. A definite satire of the American fast food industry. Anywho, the above mentioned chicken joint (ACB) has been built on top of sacred Indian burial ground, thus causing the rise of demon fowl hellbent on killing everyone..and in the most hilarious ways I might add.
This film took 6 years from the start of writing to the big screen! I have to be honest, in the nearly 40 years that Troma has been around, this is by far my favorite thing they have done. It made me laugh from start to finish, the musical numbers are rather catchy, and it literally makes fun of everyone...can't beat that!!
Gore: 5 stars
Story: 4 stars
Overall: 5 stars
Favorite Kill: Ya know, I could honestly go with any kill in the film, but I have to say the very weird, bearded, redneck, chicken fucking employee that gets his dick bitten off by a frozen demon chicken, and subsequently ends up with a mop handle shoved up his ass, and out the other end stood out to me. Haha! Wow....only in a Troma Film.
First of all I will represent that this is my fave Troma flick yet released so this review may be a bit biased.....fuck it! This quasi musical gore fest is embedded with such blood sweat and tears you have to recognize the cheese that is forced upon you....a dry hump scene and titties at under the 2 min mark and full frontal male masturbation at the 3min mark sounds like a winnner!
Anal death, lesbian action, Jason Yachanin, Kate Graham, Elske McCain, Lloyd Kaufman, Joe Flieshaker, Debbie Rochon, Ron Jeremy, Explosive diarrihatic death, "secret sauce", and chicken fuckin all here folks!
This flick almost feels like a zombie flick fueled by the American thirst for fried chicken and fast food, dollar Tuesdays will not discourage thee, but there is a message to this flick and I totally feel it, when a salad cost $4.99 and a burger is a $1.00 lol get it how you live it!
My fave song in this flick has to be Slow Fast Food Love its surreal and hits the nail on the head. Putting up with a job that pays peanuts and the ever lasting chase to find misses right!
FAVE KILL : Explosive diarrhea resulting in anal explosion and projectile feces!
Welcome my cheese brethren who have waited patiently for the Krawlr to get on his shit and review some oozy cheese that has been waiting to melt at the seams, well never fear my 12 pack is half finished and the feature presentation is cocked and loaded! Some sci-fi cheesy horror is on the menu so let us dive into my demented abyss........
directed by Chance Shirley
(Blood Creep)
I love cheesy flicks that take place living and working on Mars and the best thing you can do on your free time is fuck around! The inhabitants of said station start this flick off with more drama and sleaze then you can process and did I mention this is only in the first 5 min and theres been at least 2 kills! Aside from my enthusiasm, the dry humor and surly attitudes these actors spill out is like watching an episode of the Office on day old acid. Did I forget to mention you get the first sex scene at the 8 minute mark, yay!
Bulky guns, some gore, and creature effects will keep you in a daze yet I found the actors and the way they embraced the cheese was the stand out here and I have to give a nod out to the infamous "fossil on Mars" plotline filled with viscera, tits, witty dialogue, and true love for the horror this flick has my vote!
Lotsa fun, bring your friends ova, funyuns, meatballs, and space eggs.....u'll luv this low budget gem!
Cast: Jody Barton, Nicholas Clark and Greg Depetro
Runtime: 74 minutes
Rating: Unrated
Hello my darlings, and welcome back to Gruesome Encounters. First let me start off by wishing everyone a happy October! We have some great things in store for everyone this month, so be sure to keep your eyes peeled!
Now, let's get down to business, shall we? Tonight I had the pleasure of viewing a fantastic, upcoming found footage film. Now, anyone that knows me is aware that this is my favorite genre. I went into this one knowing nothing about it whatsoever, and was very pleasantly surprised. Tonight I watched "Hate Crime". Allow me to show you the trailer so that you can get an idea of what to expect for yourself.
What a beautiful sight!
This film focuses on a family that soon finds out they have MUCH bigger problems than a forgotten anniversary, or sibling rivalry. This film wastes no time, and holds nothing back. What is supposed to be a boring birthday party for the youngest son turns into their worst nightmare, and quickly.
This film is a great example of the very reason why I love the found footage subgenre so much. It makes everything so authentic, and so incredibly assaulting. It sucks you in, slaps you around for awhile, and spits you back out... forever changed.
"Hate Crime" is going to leave it's mark in horror forever. Some will find it vile, despicable, and highly disturbing. But this sort of thing happens in society every day. We choose to ignore the fact that our society is fueled by hate, greed, and prejudice. We close our eyes, cover our ears, and say nothing. This is a wake up call, and not the early morning phone ringing in a hotel type. More like a nails on the chalkboard, get hit in the face with a hammer type of wake up call.
Some might find the shaky camera a turn off, but let's be fair here. This is a found footage film, what do you expect? I would imagine that people in the middle of a hate fueled killing spree wouldn't stop and say to themselves "I better hold this camera steady while I stab this person to death". I feel it adds to the authenticity of the subgenre. It gives me a tense feeling, and leaves me wondering what I will be seeing once the camera does indeed steady.
This is definitely going to be a film to watch out for, and I anticipate it to be widely talked about as well. The subject matter is definitely a sore spot in our society, and perhaps this will be an eye opener for many.
Hello droogs, and welcome back to Gruesome Encounters! Today we are going to do a little picking apart of an independent film called "The Final". This will be the first review done between the Midnitekrawlr and myself, but certainly not the last. Him and I are just like Mickey and Mallory Knox....minus all the sex and murder of course...oh, and the names....and the marriage.... Emmm...let's get started shall we?
I actually picked this DVD up off of Amazon not too long ago. When I first saw the cover art I thought for sure it would be an Asian film...I mean c'mon, it completely looks like an Asian ghost film! Anyhow, let's talk a little bit about what it actually is, and what is was really like as an experience.
The Final as a whole was an altogether good experience, the only issue I had from time to time was the occasional difficulty to look past some really bad acting. I understand that it is an indy film, but sometimes it was just really bad.
The film focuses on the outcast teens in a high school. They were bullied every day, and just flat out tormented. That is actually one thing that attracted me to this one, aside from the word "torture" in the
description of course. When I was in high school I was tormented a lot as well. Now...I know what you
are thinking..."You DawL? No way! You are the poster child for normalcy"! Well, I am sad to say, but yes it is true. Your lovely DawL hated high school, and most of the douche nozzles in it. The Final shows what happens to said douche nozzles in horror films. The bullied teens decide they want to take revenge on the kids that make their lives living hells for no reason, so they stage a "costume party", invite the popular kids to it, and voila! We now have the perfect setup to enact before mentioned plan for revenge!
How do they do it you ask? Well, they drug the punch of course. After the popular kids fall asleep, they
are chained up, and the outcasts now have the opportunity they have been waiting for...the chance to torture,
mame, and dismember the kids they hate so much.
I think The Final had a great story. It was different, I identified with it on a pretty high level, and for the most part it flowed very well (plus it had a gas mask...I love gas masks). I would recommend checking it out if you have the time. Now... my final summation? Allow me to break it down for you!
Ahhh high school...were you one of the lucky popular kids who never had a worry in the world or were you one of the less fortunate, a reject, unpopular, an outcast? The Final gives us plenty to think about in those terms and a bit of torture and dash of mayhem to keep you entertained through out.
The unpopular kids in this flick have had enough and coax their bully counterparts into attending a costume party. Unknowingly the preps begin to party it out like theres no tomorrow and they fall one by one into a slumber, someone has spiked the kool-aid! Waking in chains and thinking its a joke, the culprits reveal themselves sporting some kick ass costumes and some heavy artillery.
What ensues next is a game of torture and head fuckery as the the outcasts punish each one of their victims one by one. From a cattle prod to the face, finger chopping, spine severing, bear trapping, acupuncture, and a couple of extreme makeovers, I couldn't help but notice that the gore felt very "light". Did I forget to mention I watched the R rated version, DOH! Regardless, the scenes of payback were very enjoyable and tension filled at times.
By the end of the flick the outcasts have got their message across but at the price of their lives. Besides a stoner cop, the most memorable scene has to be an Audition like torture complete with the torturer sporting a red and black outfit a la Eihi Shiina! And the banjo plays............
STORY:4 GORE:2 OVERALL:4 FAVORITE KILL:despite the torture no significant kill stood out
1. Psychology
a. Uncontrollable repetition of a particular response, such as a word, phrase, or gesture, despite the absence or cessation of a stimulus, usually caused by brain injury or other organic disorder.
b. The tendency to continue or repeat an act or activity after the cessation of the original stimulus.
2. The act or an instance of persevering; perseverance.
Well guys, I have to admit I am pretty damn excited about this release. Adam contacted me on Youtube by leaving a comment on a review of mine. After speaking to him briefly I began doing research on his upcoming film, and it happened to be something that really interested me. How about I show you a short trailer, and you can see why for yourself...
Here at Gruesome Encounters we love the...well...gruesome, and I think that is what we will be getting from Adam Sotelo's film. I had the opportunity to do an interview with him to get a bit more insight into Perseveration, and what we can all expect as horror fans:
Okay Adam, I have come up with some questions
that I am personally curious about, so let's start
Q. Can you tell me a bit about yourself, and what drove
to make this film "Perseveration"?
A. My name is Adam Sotelo, I am 23 yrs old, I am a horror fanatic & a gore hound for sure... I saw on the news that a family kept there child locked in a basement for years just because he had a different view on religion, So i thought, wouldn't it be cool to play off of that.
Q. After watching the trailers for the film, and
doing a little research on my own, I felt swayed in
the direction that this film will be aimed at the
extreme horror community. Am I right for thinking
A. Yes, I feel its sorta going mainstream a little bit though which is fine, but when the people who go pay money to see the remakes & Those bullshit ghost flicks they are probably going to bash the hell out of it just because there's no ghosts slamming doors, Or the main character isnt someone who has been created yet. But yeah i feel the Extreme horror community will back me 110%
Q. Can you share with me a bit of the subject matter
that is contained in the film? Do you expect it to be
offensive to some?
A. I Cannot discuss the content in the film... But What i can tell you is that it will blow "A Serbian film's "Content out of the water. There are things in my film that are borderline illegal to have on film in the USA...
Q. Will you only be writing, and directing the film, or will
you be playing a part as well?
A. I Have no desire to act.. I may make a cameo in one scene but like I said, I reallllly dont like doing that haha. Im much more happier behind the camera.
Q. How did you find the actors, and actresses for you
A. Surprisingly.. Craigslist haha. Every actor in the film i got off an add from craigslist..wich is amazing to me because you would figure craigslist is kinda weird or shady but they are all amazing actors.
Q. Who is responsible for the FX in the film, and can you
tell us a little about them, and anyone else you think has
played a big part in making this film come to life?
A. Justin "Mr. Creepo" Taylor Does the SPFX & My Buisness partner for "Hellsgate Pictures" We also have worked with Dean Luis & Ricky Lorenzo of 95Films. We are currently Working without them as of right now, But they are great dudes & id love for them to hop on again soon.
Q. Has the making of the film been what you expected,
or would you consider it to be more of a challenge than
you had imagined, or vice versa?
A. Answer to questions 7&8- CHALLENGE! I have never gone through so much trouble on something before such as making this film, Either some people would drop out of the film, Or flooding, & even theft of our camera... Maybe thats a sign we shouldnt release it haha
Q. I have been reading online that you faced many
hurdles on the way to making this film. Can you talk a bit
about those tribulations, and how they affected your
outlook in the early stages, and how you feel about them
Q. I also read a little rumor that you are working on
another project called "The Snuff Diaries" comprised of
(5) 15 minute short films, shot on an 8MM camera. Is
there any truth to this?
A. True, I am working on a few short projects "The Snuff Diaries", "Masochist" & "The Hitchhiker Diaries" (In which Justin Taylor is Directing)
Q. What can we expect from this project? Pseudo Snuff
with a story, or maybe 5 films with 5 various ways to be
tortured and killed?
A. I Feel every indy horror director should at least make 1 snuff film in there career haha. & its Actually going to be based off of a local band in NJ. The Band is called "Waking The Cadaver" The album is; "Perverse Recollections Of A Necromangler" Listen to that album and you got the Snuff Diaries.
Q. Back to Perseveration, what can we expect as far as
a release goes? Film Festivals? DVD? Limited batch?
A. Yes, i will be sending it to film festivals all over the USA, Ill be sending a copy to the BBFC so they can get off of my back & just ban this fucker already haha, DVD for sure, Theres talk about a Blu-Ray Release. I am a HUGE Fan Of special edition Dvds. i ave been working on the dvd art for the special edition. Its going to have a very unholy look.
Q. I have read that you are a big horror/gore fan
yourself. What are some of your favorite films?
A. I Am I Am, Some of my favorite films? Oyyyy. Ummmm A Serbian FIlm, Deranged, Texas chainsaw massacre, I Love the guinea pig series, August underground trilogy (Shout out to Fred, \Shelby, and Jeremiah Over at toetag for spreading the sickness!) I really enjoyed the human centipede 2, Wasn't really into the first one.. but thats just cause i felt the first needed gore to get its point across.. Evil dead, Halloween (The original) I Spit on your grave, irreversible, Antichrist, I actually love Lars von treir films, Meloncolia is one of my favs. Ummmmm Toxic avenger, Men behind the sun, Faces of death, Martyrs, Hatchet, Hatchet2, Hostel, Scrapbook, the angels of melancholy.. I can go on and on lol. I feel if this day and age people are going more towards the indy horror cause its so easy to make a quick buck with these ghost activity flicks its retarded... Stay away from the cheap scares & actually do something that doesn't need 86 sequals to tell the damn backround story... Stop milking a shit story... Move onto the next.
Q. For my last question (for now at least, and lucky
number 13) can you tell me some of your favorite film
makers, and who has inspired you to make this film and
A. Sure, I really like lars von trier, & tarantino. lars; I love his depressing undertones of his films. The movies are shot very well & under all of that is just depressing shit. gaaah i love it haha. Tarantino; His way of telling a story really influenced me into film making.
Well there ya have it people, from the mastermind of
Perseveration himself. This is going to be be a film to
keep your eyes open for, and for some, possibly shut
while watching it.
There is talk that the film will be released in October of
2013, so we have quite awhile to wait, but from what I
have seen, the wait will be well worth it.
So, sit tight people, 2013 is already looking to be a great
year for us extreme horror fans! Once again thank you
to Adam Sotelo for taking the time to speak with
Gruesome Encounters.
Wow 3 weeks have come and gone since my last post and since that time G.E. has lost a valued friend. Due to her work schedule and her awesome horror promotions, ZombieFetish will be moving on to bigger and better things! She will be missed here on G.E. and I wish her nothing but the best. So with that being said what will become of the project we were working on "Dismembered Reviews"? The good news is that a very good friend of mine has joined the madness, she is none other than extreme horror enthusiast MuliDawl!
Now that the cat is out the bag, our very first review will be Sympathy For Mr Vengeance. We will be focusing on the netflix library and giving you two different perspectives on our review. Look for that in the coming weeks and I also have some horror and exploitation "solo" reviews in the works.
These past 3 weeks allowed me to indulge in one of my fave eras in horror cinema, the freakin 80's....hell yeah! I went on a 2 week binge of heavenly cheese and gore! More importantly these were flicks that eluded me in my childhood so I had yet to see any of them, so I went marathon! I was fortunate to finally watch The Video Dead, Night of the Comet, The Initiation with cute Daphne Zuniga pre Space Balls, and Slaughter High! Those flicks kicked in my teeth but there were 3 that really stood out, the first was Chopping Mall. I loved it, horny teenagers in a mall being hunted by robot assassins you just cant beat that! Second was post apocalyptic Dead End Drive-Inn, damn this flick was bad ass, from bone crushing ass kicking to fast cars and insane crashes.....awesome! Best for last is now one of my all time faves, the classic Bloody Birthday.
These 3 kids are some evil lil bastards but man they kick ass all the way taking out anyone who stands in there way! Great kills and an excellent storyline make this one a winner and an instant must see! Its too bad it took me so long to see this lil monster but man I'm hooked!
With that I'm out, I gotta get working on some reviews and I do have a few review spoilers I'll be working on. First scifi/horror cheese-fest Interplanetery, exploitation/action Savage Justice, and Fist of the Vampire, till then...........stay tuned!
Wassup horror junkies out there! Its been a crazy month as with any month this hot summer full of ups and downs. The ups being the majority of scenarios, thankfully! Welcome to "Skull Fuckery" where I"ll be sharing my week in review, sharing what I'v been up to as far as all things horror and exploitation. On the forefront really glad to have Zombie Fetish back on board, we have a kick ass review column in the works, I know how busy she can get working, running Morbid Stimuli, and doing her horror promotions, whew, she's a beast but a sexy one. SO.....look for the column "Dismembering Reviews" coming very soon.
I also wanna give props to a really devoted horror fan who put his love for the genre in magazine format. Tomas Larsson creator of Horrorphobic fanzine brings you detailed reviews, and very captivating columns. For example in the first issue you are treated to a German splatter feature, interviews, photos, and much more! I felt so honored to receive a shout out in the mag, that I have to recommend Tomas's hard work, for the fans by a fan, I will leave the link below if anyone would like to check out his blog!
On to my netflix views for the past week, finally got around to watching Hostel 3, which was a really weak entry in my opinion. I love the first two Hostel flicks directed by Eli Roth and this third one lacked in the torture, kills, gore, and sleaze, I was disappointed but as a fan of the series I stuck through it and the ending wasn't too bad. Next was Creature(2011) which was surprisingly easy to digest, heavy on the cheese, TnA, and some Sid Haig thrown in for good measure! Its a slasher/creature feature and worth a view if you enjoy your cheese. Last but not least I finally got around to watching Riki-Oh : The Story of Riki, an instant splatter classic, loved it! I highly recommend you check it out if you haven't already!
I finally posted my long overdue update to youtube and was very happy at all the positive feedback. I love making videos and sharing my collection, I also enjoy giving shout outs, so I present thee with my "YouTube Channel of the Week"! I gotta give it up to Klay and Travis this week, they put together this monster known as Terror Visions, specializing in reviewing old school horror. Highly recommended, check'em out yo!
Last but not least I'm ending this blog with a flick recommendation, this one coming courtesy of a good friend of mine. Vance aka Spaulding069 graced me with a new copy of Disco Exorcist and thus earns my coveted "Demented flick of the Week"! Full of sleaze and cheese, this throwback flick is heavy on the exploitation and will keep any fan grinning. The funky plot and crappy acting make this a truly "so bad its good" kinda flick and its so cheezy its actually one of the better flicks Iv seen this summer.
That concludes this edition of Skull Fuckery, be back soon with more horror and exploitation, till then................
Yes my fellow gorehounds, I love this flick and can't get enough of talking about how great it is! I'll bleed for this flick, I'll beat a fool for this flick, and even kill a puppy for.......ok I get a lil carried away when it comes to Slime City, ask the youtube and facebook horror community, lol.
written and directed:
Greg Lamberson
key actors:
Robert C. Sabin - (Alex)
Mary Huner - (Lori / Nicole)
"Time to die, time to die".........Ahhh Slime City, its been a
while since my last visit to this 80's gem and as always it didn't disappoint! A twisted story, memorable characters, cheesy gore, and insane ending make this one a definite must own for any horror dvd collector. I gots to give it up to Mary Huner who plays two different characters (Lorie / Nicole) and as Nicole she totally blows my mind in her sexy outfits, a total babe! Hands down one of my fave late nite Saturday flicks!
On a follow up, I really need to pick up the sequel Slime City Massacre. Greg Lamberson directs and some old actors from the first film make cameos in the sequel! Debbie Rochon also makes an appearance!
As a newfound fan of Mexican horror I recently became a big fan of the Mexican director Rene Cardona Jr, whose 1977 sharksploitation masterpiece Tintorera really blew me away!
It was no Jaws by any means but the director was so bold as to kill actual sharks on camera with a speargun and the sleazy overtones were so over the top, I had to see more of his work.
So what the hell I thought I'd give another one of his sharksploitation flicks a go, this being the 1978 classic Cyclone.
Overall the flick is nothing like the sleaze infused Tintorera in any way nor is the majority of the focus on the sharks themselves. The core of this flick is more about human survival and what a person is willing to do to survive. 2 minutes shy of a 2 hour movie the sharks make an occasional cameo now and then but the shark blood bath doesn't really take full swing until the last 10 minutes of the movie that delivers a satisfying finish.
A good time but not superior to Tintorera, Cyclone will entertain with it's rollercoaster survival vibe and scenes of cannibalism!!!
Till next time .......but for now enjoy the Tintorera movie trailer.