Welcome my cheese brethren who have waited patiently for the Krawlr to get on his shit and review some oozy cheese that has been waiting to melt at the seams, well never fear my 12 pack is half finished and the feature presentation is cocked and loaded! Some sci-fi cheesy horror is on the menu so let us dive into my demented abyss........
directed by Chance Shirley
(Blood Creep)

I love cheesy flicks that take place living and working on Mars and the best thing you can do on your free time is fuck around! The inhabitants of said station start this flick off with more drama and sleaze then you can process and did I mention this is only in the first 5 min and theres been at least 2 kills! Aside from my enthusiasm, the dry humor and surly attitudes these actors spill out is like watching an episode of the Office on day old acid. Did I forget to mention you get the first sex scene at the 8 minute mark, yay!
Bulky guns, some gore, and creature effects will keep you in a daze yet I found the actors and the way they embraced the cheese was the stand out here and I have to give a nod out to the infamous "fossil on Mars" plotline filled with viscera, tits, witty dialogue, and true love for the horror this flick has my vote!
Lotsa fun, bring your friends ova, funyuns, meatballs, and space eggs.....u'll luv this low budget gem!
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